LEAP series L6: Proud papa evening

Proud papa evening! My daughter came with me hunting for the first time in a few years. I got her on some hogs and despite her inexperience and being a first time user of a RIX Optics Leap L6 thermal sight, she did well. She hit her hog with the opening shot, but it ran. She connected with it on the run and dropped it, but it was soon up again and she hit it with a head shot and it dropped Once down, I told her to pop it again, just to be sure and she popped it again! I just watched and smiled.

Opening shot, 90 yards. Final shot, 100 yards. 6.5 Grendel firing Druid Hill Armory loaded 92 gr. Power Hammer bullets and their Starline Brass cases all caught by a Tactical Brass Recovery, LLC brass catcher.